On Thursday, June 16th, 2022, Allied Neurology and Interventional Pain Practice held a successful seminar at The Royal Warsaw in Elmwood Park, NJ. Dr. Dariusz Nasiek, a Pain Management Specialist, invited doctors, lawyers, chiropractors, and medical professionals to enjoy a beautiful evening with food, drinks, and networking.
Our honored guest speaker, Mr. Gerald Baker, Esq., presented on Automobile Insurance: How To Protect You & Your Family. Mr. Baker is one of the most recognized names in personal injury in New Jersey and nationwide. Gerald Baker was educated at Cornell University and graduated from Yale Law School. In 1982, Mr. Baker succeeded his father as a managing partner of their family law firm, founded in the 1920s. Subsequently, Mr. Baker’s caseload included groundbreaking personal injury cases and significant high-profile claims, including TWA Flight 800, Korean Airlines Flight 007, and Egyptian Flight 990.
These cases bolstered Mr. Baker’s reputation as one of the nation’s leading personal injury lawyers. In 2002, Mr. Baker obtained the highest verdict in the history of New Jersey cases, winning $53 million dollars against Conrail in a wrongful death case. In that case, Mr. Baker represented the family of a conductor who lost his life.
Hearing an opinion about car insurance from such an authority is significant.
Through an animated presentation filled with questions and interaction with the audience, Mr. Baker showed everyone in the room how having adequate insurance is in everyone’s best interest as it protects ourselves and our families. However, Mr. Baker expressed his concerns that no insurance company and no insurance agent will direct us to the best insurance product since no insurance company is interested in selling expensive insurance with excellent benefits.
Because of this issue, Mr. Baker’s presentation and information was priceless. Not only did he rationalize why and which categories are important, but he also made a statement in which he indicated that in his own words: “...driving is dangerous!”
Here is a summary of Gerald Baker’s recommendations to protect your assets if someone else is injured and to protect yourself if you are injured:
What next...
We would like to inform you that dinner-seminars are held every month at that same location and the information is available with Lauren at 201-486-1815 about the exact time and day.
Our next meeting is expected to be held on Thursday, July 21st, 2022, at the exact location, The Royal Warsaw. We are inviting all of our friends, contributors, and professional family to participate in our future events.